Wendy Li  @ITP

Fall 2023

Journals + Documentation

Week 1     Previous Experience with Pcomp + Introduction

I have very little experience with physical computing before coming to ITP.  During my undergraduate years, I took a experience design class in fall, 2022 to explore how to design using different mediums. This class was my very first taste of physical computing. 

This is  one of the projects that I did in the class with Spencer Morgan and David Gao.  The project starts with a key word “joy”.  We wanted to design a experience that creates joy, provide people with the opportunity to appreciate - the thoughts, feelings, and aspirations of - other beings. With that intention in mind, we landed on the idea of the harmonious relationship between human and nature. 

We connected sensors to different leaves on multiple plants, when touching the leave, it will make a corresponding sound. After that, the sound generates graphics in computer screen. 

Indeed, I enjoyed working on this project a lot. But what we are about to do in Pcomp is so different from this project and definitely more technical and fun! 
On week one, we were assigned into groups and designed a “fantasy machine” with our group in class. 
After class,  we learned about parts and tools, the basics of electricity, as well as how to set up a breadboard. 
I tried to set up a breadboard  to light up a LED light.  Building on from there, I set up breadboard with a switch and a LED light, as well as a switch with 2 LED lights in series, and a switch with 3 LED lights wired in parallel.

( Lab: Electronics.  From left to right) Breadboard with an LED light, a switch and a LED light,  a switch with 2 LED lights, a switch with 3 LED lights wired in parallel

Moving on to Lab: Switches and Pushbuttons. 
First part is 3 switches in parallel. 

3 switches in parallel

3 switches in series.

A note here is that when connecting switches in series, we need to press all 3 switch buttoms to light up the LED.

A DC motor with a switch

A DC motor with a switch and a LED light